How to Become a Pilot in Bangladesh


Becoming a pilot is a dream that many individuals have. The thrill of flying high in the sky, the sense of adventure, and the opportunity to travel to different places are just a few of the reasons why this profession is so appealing. If you are in Bangladesh and aspire to become a pilot, this blog post will guide you through the necessary steps to achieve your dream.

Educational Requirements

To become a pilot in Bangladesh, you must have a minimum educational qualification of completing high school or equivalent. However, most airlines prefer candidates with a bachelor’s degree in aviation or a related field. It is important to choose a reputable institution that offers aviation courses to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills.

Medical Fitness

Physical fitness is a crucial aspect of becoming a pilot. You must pass a medical examination conducted by the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) to determine your fitness for flying. The medical examination includes assessments of your vision, hearing, cardiovascular health, and overall physical fitness.

Flight Training

Flight training is an essential component of becoming a pilot. After completing your academic studies, you will need to enroll in a flight training school to gain practical experience. There are several flight training schools in Bangladesh, such as the Bangladesh Flying Academy and the Bangladesh Flying Club, where you can receive the necessary flight training.

Obtain a Private Pilot License (PPL)

Once you have completed your flight training, you will need to obtain a Private Pilot License (PPL) from the CAAB. The PPL allows you to fly as a recreational pilot. To obtain a PPL, you will need to pass a written exam and a flight test conducted by the CAAB.

Build Flight Experience

After obtaining your PPL, it is important to build flight experience to enhance your skills and increase your chances of getting hired by an airline. You can gain flight experience by flying as a hobby, participating in air shows, or joining flying clubs.

Obtain a Commercial Pilot License (CPL)

To become a commercial pilot and fly for an airline, you will need to obtain a Commercial Pilot License (CPL). The CPL requires additional flight training and experience. You will also need to pass a written exam and a flight test conducted by the CAAB.

Join an Airline

Once you have obtained your CPL, you can start applying for pilot positions at airlines. Prepare a professional resume highlighting your qualifications and flight experience. Attend job fairs and aviation expos to network with industry professionals and increase your chances of getting hired.

Continuing Education and Training

As a pilot, it is important to stay updated with the latest industry trends and advancements. Participate in continuing education programs and training courses to enhance your knowledge and skills. This will not only help you in your career but also ensure the safety of your passengers.


Becoming a pilot in Bangladesh requires dedication, hard work, and a passion for flying. By following these steps and pursuing the necessary education and training, you can turn your dream into a reality. Remember, the sky is the limit!

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