How to become a doctor in the Philippines?

Becoming a doctor is a difficult but rewarding career path that requires significant time and effort and dedication.

How to become a doctor in the Philippines

In this post, you will learn how to become a doctor in the Philippines. To become a doctor in the Philippines, you must complete the following 7 steps:

How to become a doctor in the Philippines?

Step 1: Obtain a High School Diploma

Complete a Pre-medical Undergraduate Degree

Before applying to medical schools in the Philippines, you must first obtain a high school diploma. It usually takes four years to complete and includes a syllabus of mathematics, science, English and social studies.

Step 2: Complete a Pre-medical Undergraduate Degree

Complete a Pre-medical Undergraduate Degree

After high school, you must complete a four-year pre-medical undergraduate degree. This degree program will provide you with the foundational knowledge and skills you will need to succeed in medical school. It will include biology, chemistry and physics courses as well as other required humanities and social science courses.

Step 3: Pass the PMCAT

Pass the PMCAT

To apply to medical school in the Philippines, you must first pass the Philippine Medical College Admission Test (PMCAT). This is a competitive exam that examines your natural science knowledge, verbal reasoning, and critical thinking abilities. It is usually taken after a pre-medical undergraduate degree.

Step 4: Complete a Four-year Medical Degree Program

Complete a Four-year Medical Degree Program

Once accepted to medical school, you must complete a four-year medical degree program. This program will include classroom instruction as well as clinical rotations where you will work with patients under the supervision of licensed physicians. Coursework in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and pathology will be included, as well as hands-on training in various medical specialities.

Step 5: Pass the Licensure Exam

Pass the Licensure Exam

To practice medicine in the Philippines, you must first pass the licensure exam administered by the Philippine Regulatory Commission after completing medical school. This exam includes both a written and an oral component that assesses your knowledge and skills in various medical disciplines. It is usually taken within a year of completing medical school.

Step 6: Complete a Residency Program

Complete a Residency Program

After passing the licensure exam, you may choose to pursue a residency program in a medical speciality. This is an optional but strongly recommended step that will give you additional training and experience in your chosen field. Depending on the speciality, residency programs usually last 3-5 years.

Step 7: Obtain a License to Practice Medicine

Obtain a License to Practice Medicine

Once your education and training are complete, you will need to obtain a license to practice medicine in the Philippines. This usually entails submitting an application to the Philippine Regulatory Commission as well as providing the necessary documentation and fees. If you meet all the requirements, the commission will issue you a license after reviewing your application.

How to become a doctor in the Philippines

The process of becoming a doctor can take up to a decade, but for those who are dedicated and passionate about helping others, the rewards of a medical career can be well worth the investment.

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