How to become a doctor in Dubai?

Doctors in Dubai are well-trained and highly skilled and receive high salaries and benefits.

The Government of Dubai recognizes the contribution of doctors and invests heavily in the healthcare sector.

How to become a doctor in Dubai

In this post, you will learn how to become a doctor in Dubai. To become a doctor in Dubai, you must complete the following 5 steps:

How to become a doctor in Dubai

Step 1: Complete High School or Equivalent Education

Complete a Pre-medical Undergraduate Degree

You must have a high school diploma or equivalent qualification to be eligible for a medical degree program in Dubai. It usually involves completing a certain number of years of education in subjects such as maths, science and English and passing national exams.

Step 2: Enrol in a Medical Degree Program

Apply to Medical School

Medical degree programs are available at several universities in Dubai. These programs, which usually last six years, are designed to prepare students for careers in medicine. To enrol in a medical degree program, you must first research the various programs available and then apply to the one that is best for you. You must meet any prerequisites or requirements set by the university, such as a minimum grade point average or test scores.

Step 3: Complete your Medical Degree Program

Complete a Residency Program

As part of your medical degree program, you will take courses in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and pathology. Clinical rotations, which include training experiences in various medical specialities such as surgery, paediatrics and obstetrics, will also be completed. You may also be able to participate in research projects or other forms of experiential learning.

Step 4: Get a License to Practice Medicine in the UAE

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Once you have completed your medical degree, you must apply for a license to practice medicine in the UAE. To do this you need to pass the UAE Medical Licensing Exam, which is administered by the Dubai Health Authority. This exam assesses your understanding of medical theory and practice as well as your clinical ability.

Step 5: Find a Job you like

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Once you have your license, you can start looking for a job as a doctor in Dubai. Many hospitals, clinics and other medical facilities in the city are in need of skilled doctors. Job opportunities can be found online, through job boards or professional organizations, or by contacting hospitals or clinics directly.

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